Thursday, July 8, 2010


OK, so now I have entered the “blog” world. I toiled over what to name my blog. I could have named it “Frustrated Adjunct Professor”, or “Adventures from the Edge of the World”, or “Beatnik Chaplain”, or “Ministry at the Far Side of the Universe”, or “Coffee Contemplations” or something like that.

Why did I create this blog? Well, I have had some very interesting and unusual life experiences, have traveled to some really cool (and hot) places around the globe, and met some really amazing people.   I would like to share, reflect and comment on life’s journey in this blog.

Teachdent” is the “identity” I have chosen for my blog. I got the term from a spiritual book I have had for many years, Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim by Edward Hays. (An awesome book by the way!) I think this best describes me, a student of life. It seems, no matter how much I learn, places I go, incredible people I meet, classes I take, degrees I earn, achievements or how old I am.... I am always learning. And I love to learn.

I am an adjunct professor, a chaplain in the reserves, a musician (have been a bass player in  blues bands, many other bands and play percussion too).
I am perhaps a bit counter-cultural.

I view things from ....well not really left of center or right of center...but like to find humor in life’s absurdities....helps keep me stay sane in a sometimes crazy world. For as we know, humor is good for the soul!

Last year I was deployed to “an undisclosed location” in SW Asia for nearly 5 months, and it was a most incredible and intense life experience. I did not have a blog then, so I emailed my stories across the globe. So I am moving along and keeping up with modernity here...

From the really hot and beige lands of my most likely next far away adventure in a few months, to a place I never thought I would the edge of the the world.  (More on this later!)   Hence, my blog!

Lessons learned, stories, spirituality, humor and more...from a southwestern city in North America...and from.... the edge of the world!

1 comment:

  1. Counter-cultural; a state that I know and embrace even if it seems to others a to be in a surreptitious way. Seeing humor in the absurdities of life; definitely! The whole of what people refer to as a "normal" life seems pretty much absurd to me. You have a good thing going here Teachdent. Keep after it!
