Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Erebus Chalice Ceremony, Christchurch, New Zealand

Dean Beck, Fr. Dan and me with the Erebus Chalice
A few days ago I flew to New Zealand.  This morning (Sunday) was the big Antarctica service at the Anglican Cathedral in Christchurch, NZ. 

The Cathedral is absolutely beautiful, very old and gothic looking.  It stands in the middle of a large traffic circle.  I was met by Fr. Dan, a Roman Catholic priest who has been down to the Ice many times.  We then met Dean Beck, and the ceremony / service began.  The Mayor of Christchurch was there, the American Ambassador, many military people, many New Zealanders who were also about to head down to the Ice, many who have been there, and a host of others.   

In the middle of the service, during a scripture reading we were jolted by an earthquake tremor, it was quite noticeable!  These tremors have been happening all through the day and night since the big earthquake here a few weeks ago. 

I was then called up by the Dean and he handed me the Erebus Chalice.  I said a few words.  This is a paraphrase of what I said....

“It is a great honor and privilege to be here today and receive the famous Erebus Chalice!
Now, this is no ordinary chalice!  It has been going back and forth from the Cathedral here in Christchurch, New Zealand and Antarctica for many years.  There are many wonderful stories and legends surrounding the history of this Chalice.
The chalice is a symbol of sharing, it is the common cup that we share in the Eucharist.  It is also a symbol of unity, for all the people who have served in Antarctica.  
For over 50 years now, New Zealand has supplied the Roman Catholic Priests, and the US military has always supplied the Protestant Chaplains to minister to the people of Antarctica.
I am from Phoenix, Arizona…..and there is a bit of a temperature differential!!  This Tuesday at zero dark thirty I fly down to McMurdo Station, my first time going down there, and I will post this chalice in the Chapel of the Snows…where it will stay all season, and then return here end of summer. 

What a privilege it is to serve God in this way, and all God’s people ….to the ends of the earth!”  
After the service, we processed out, and the people came by and wanted to see the Chalice, as well, many wished me well.  

New Zealanders are a very friendly people!!  And the city, a very beautiful place on our planet earth.

Next stop....Antarctica!

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