Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thoughts on Spirituality and Food

As we know, most religions have food laws, or dietary practices that are part of their spiritual and religious practices.  Like keeping kosher for Jewish people and eating foods that are halal for Muslims.  As well, many Hindus and Buddhists are vegetarian.  

This is not done "just because".   These dietary practices are for one's well being and health, which is a very important part of one's spirituality.

In fact, most religions do have food laws and special dietary practices, except Christianity!  Hmmm.  What does this say about us Christians?

OK, OK, I know some Christians practice some kind of fasting during Lent.  Like giving up a certain food item for the 40 days of Lent.  But how many really, if one even does this, really gives up their least liked food?  C'mon, c'mon, admit it.  (I confess, as a kid, I gave up beets one Lenten season....& I hate beets!)  Real spiritual sacrifice there!  And, not all Christians even have Lent or fast.

I was reading an article a few weeks ago and it said it was noted in a study that people who attend church, or are active in church life, tend to be a few pounds heavier than those who do not have church that is an active part of their lives!  Yes really!   The study said it is because of all the wonderful food we share at church events!

Of course, this is not true for everyone...there are a few thin people that attend church!  I think I saw one a couple of months ago.  (Kidding!)

But I can attest, as someone who is around churches a lot...all those pot lucks, dinners, goodies, cookies, banana breads and so forth that people are always cooking, baking and sharing...I admit, I have put on a few pounds the past two years.  My will power weakens when all of those delicious goodies are in front of me!

Yes, sticking to a diet is difficult.  It is especially hard to be a semi veggie in Texas.  I do not eat beef or pork, and have not done so now for about 8 years.  The reason is that I have slightly high cholesterol.  When I stopped eating beef and pork, my cholesterol dropped 70 points.  And my doctor said, "Well, just keep on doing what you are doing!"  
This does not mean of course that my mouth does not water when I smell steaks grilling on someones the barbecue...or smell those juicy cheeseburgers cooking at a restaurant

But all this does make one contemplate...that what we eat is a big part of our spiritual life.
What do you think?

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