Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life Interrupted..Or Is It?

When I had my life put on hold due to illness a few weeks ago, amidst the shock, fear, and range of other emotions I was experiencing, were also feelings of anxiousness and frustration that my busy life had been "interrupted".

I had just taken a new position...I had vision, things to create. There were plans, projects, hopes and dreams to make real! Still things to teach, things to learn, things to do. Places to go.

And then, out of the blue....everything... on hold. Everything beyond my control.

Life interrupted. Ugh!

It was not what I had envisioned.

But now, as the first couple of weeks have gone by, I rest and am convalescing...and have begun to contemplate my time of illness and healing.

Perhaps it is/was not an interruption after all. Although it was no picnic being in the hospital and no fun being sick, there are gifts.

Already, in these few short weeks, I have learned so much. I have seen and experienced so much love and support from so many people. So many amazing and talented people, so much generosity and kindness. So much caring.

Perhaps bringing it down a notch or two (or three) was all in the plan. I am taking this time, for now I have it, to read more, pray more, rest, relax, and heal. It is on many levels, sacred time.

As someone who has served as a chaplain, minister and a teacher of religions for many years...I am used to doing ministry, helping people, teaching people.

But now I am the patient, the recipient, the receiver of people's generosity, kindness, caring, ministries, prayers, phone calls, emails, cards, flowers, visits, and so forth.

What a blessing it is.

It is an adjustment, yes. Humbling, yes. For no longer a super-person am I. I am human, like everyone else.

And again, what a blessing it is.


  1. I truly understand what you are saying and had a similar experience where I learned to live with gratitude and did my healing in an Ashram and found such a wellspring of peace, love, forgiveness and quiet and felt that touch on the shoulder that told me that it was going to be fine. I think you are there now. Welcome to that sacred place. Forever your life will be changed and this experience you will grow with. Peace and blessings to you... Nedra

  2. it WOULD take something on the order of a train to slow you down ;-)

  3. Good morning Laura, I wanted to say that you are a very powerful person and ever since I have known you the only thoughts you have ever had were that of ministering to anyone who needed or would allow and quiet down long enough to listen to what God was say through your wise words. Your thoughts here remind me of a verse in the Holy Canon that we rarely hear of. Most know it as one of the shortest verse in the Bible. But I would say to you that God is speaking right now and as the verse say "Be still and know that I am God” Sometimes we do have to slow down or stop to smell the roses. We all love you and now we have the opportunity to minister to the one who’s wise words have touched so many of our lives.

    Know that you are greatly loved and will continue in our prayers not only now during this time of healing, but continued in your minstery. Sidney
