Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Beautiful Lenten Moment

Last week a beautiful blue bird perched herself on a ledge outside near me. She (or he) was about 6 feet from me and stared at me intently, tilting her head as she looked at me.

She was very intelligent looking. I said to her, "Well hello little birdie!" and she looked at me all the more intently, and chirped!

I was delighted. So I whistled back. And she whistled back. And this went back and forth a handful of times.

Now, I was used to doing this, as I have had many birds in my life, (parakeets and an African Gray parrot). But this was a "free bird", she was wild, free. A California Scrub Jay.

What a great little sacred moment. It certainly brightened my day.

Lent does not have to be all down and dreary. There is beauty all around! Sight and sound!

It is little moments and encounters like I had with this little blue bird, amid the noise and haste of life, that I love.

Keeps us awake.

Need I say more?

"The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims God's handiwork." Psalm 19


  1. What a wonderful story! Stay awake to witness God's gifts!

  2. Lent is not about "down." That is a person-made perspective. Sometimes liturgical seasons do not match our own rhythms. A tyranny of imposed lectionaries. God's beauty emerges in spite of calendars. Thanks Be. Robert
