Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What is Spirituality, exactly?

Spirituality.  The term is very popular these seems to be much more "in" than "religion", (organized religion, that is).  But what is spirituality, exactly? 

No matter where we may look, how much we research, how many different books we read on various "spiritualities",  finding a definitive explanation  of spirituality proves to be quite elusive. 

Where to begin?

For starters, let's look at the root word "spirit".  Spirit is the animating force, the vital principle within all living beings.   Interestingly the word "spirit" comes from the Latin word espiritu, which means "breath".  Interestingly, it has the same translation in many languages; ruach, (Hebrew) al ruh, (Arabic), pneuma (Greek).  One's spirit is breath!   Being alive!  Alive and really living!

God is in on this too.  Yep, it's true.  The very word spirituality is rooted in the Spirit of God and is a big aspect of many religions of the world; Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, indigenous religions, etc.    Although beliefs about the Spirit differ by faith tradition, overall it is the aspect of God that inspires, gives life, creates, and is that intangible and aspect of the the is blows where it will. The symbol of the Holy Spirit is the dove.  

But back to spirituality.  The Oxford dictionary defines spirituality as "relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things".  And yet, spirituality also implies a holistic view rather than separate, whole, as in "body - mind - spirit".  We are all of these things, and they are all interconnected.  One affects the other. 

Ironically, spirituality seems to imply something supernatural,  incorporeal, up there or out there, but it is very much linked to our human experience and our being.  We experience and feel it, (such as a spiritual moment or experience).  

There are many types of spiritualities or spiritual practices.  So it is linked to something we do, usually as a path, a method, or a way, a practice.   Such as prayer, meditation, types of prayers, contemplation, yoga, hiking, music, silence, solitude, etc. 

Spirituality has a transformative quality about it.  Spiritual growth changes us.  There is also a sense of the mystery when it comes to spirituality.  And thus in many ways it is linked to the mystical, mysticism. 

Also quite ironically spirituality is actually very closely linked with religion, not opposed to it, or out of context with it, as is implied in the ever popular saying "I'm spiritual, not religious".   And yet spirituality goes beyond religion too, beyond doctrine, theology, ecclesiology, hierarchy and so forth.  

One more thing.  Spirituality also goes beyond the intellect and discursive thought.  Perhaps this is why it is so difficult to define or explain.  It refers to matters of the inner life,  the heart.  

But now,  I turn this conversation to you and ask, what is Spirituality?   

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