Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thoughts on spirituality and work; Ora et Labora

Monk laboring
Having work, a good job / career is a blessing to be sure.  Especially if we enjoy our work.

In our modern society, where quantity, production and the dollar seem to reign, it is easy to forget that work is much more than money and income, jobs and the economy.
Certainly it can come down to income and money,  especially when we have no income...or not enough.    

Yes, work and a decent income is very much a blessing indeed!

And "work" is much more than just "work". 

For many, one's very identity can be very much wrapped up in work, career, title, income, rank, prestige, degrees, etc.  If you are asked, "Who are you?"  how do you answer this?   Are you your work?

I guess it depends on who you are!

Labor and work and the work we are drawn to can be essentially a big part of our spirituality and can be part of our spiritual practice(s).

It may or may not be the actual job we do, hold, or the money we earn.  Our life's work, or calling may go beyond this.  Take for example the many who work in menial or unglamorous jobs and or those behind the scenes humbly and quietly doing what they do...the job helps pay the bills but it is not who they are.

Think of the countless volunteers, people who share their gifts, time and talent for no pay or very little, bringing light to a world that very much needs it.

Oh yes, and how about the blessing of being healthy enough to work?  This is a blessing indeed.

'Ora et Labora' is Latin for "pray and work" or "pray and labor".  It refers to the monastic practice of working and praying, and is associated with the Rule of St. Benedict.  Throughout their day, the monks work, labor and pray.   It was (is) a way for living a balanced life.

Perhaps we in the modern world can learn something from this. 

Let us reflect on and give thanks for the many blessings of work .... whatever our work may be  ...

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