Monday, December 17, 2012

Let us pray...

Like many across the nation, I am shocked and very saddened about the recent tragedy of the shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut.  

I am not sure what else can be said that has not already been said. 

Many are angry and blaming the lack of gun control laws and how easy it is to purchase a gun.  

Many are citing the lack of available mental health care and the lack of funds for social services.  

Some are citing the overexposure to violence in our society via the mass media, the news, movies, TV shows, computer games, etc.  

Bullying, mean-spiritidness, cultural narcissism, shallowness, cynicism, polarized thinking, narrow mindedness, materialism and consumerism, hate talk radio and the blame game of "those liberals" or "those conservatives" or "those religious fanatics", etc.

Wondering if mass murders are on the rise, I did a brief Internet search.   I found there have been unfortunately, dozens of mass murders the past fifty years... at high schools, movie theaters, in front of grocery stores, Army bases, Post Offices, colleges, youth camps, Sikh Temples, malls, churches, mosques, and the list goes on.   Here in the USA and in many other countries. 


Perhaps these horrible and tragic occurrences are not just because of the lack of gun control, or the lack of available mental health care, but symptoms.

Symptoms of a much deeper societal spiritual illness.  

Let us reflect and pray on these things...
Pray for the dead.  Pray for those who grieve and are crying many tears.  Pray for those who need help, and a way to get the help they need.  Pray for those in power make the changes and reforms needed.  Pray for healing not only for those who are mentally ill, but for the spiritual health, well being and healing for our nation, and our world.   

Let us pray.

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