Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why do we humans have religion?

Symbol of the serpent on a pole, Mt. Nebo
Remember in the '90s, the big buzzword was "paradigm shift"?  And then toward the later '90s and early 2000's, the buzzword was "empowerment".  And now, it is "resiliency"!

Think of your toughest times in life.  I know, perhaps not a pleasant thought.   What  helped you through those trying times in life?    What helped give you strength to get through it?  What helped you live life?    I would be willing to bet it was more than just 'thinking positive'!

There are many quizzes on the Internet to "test" yourself and see how resilient you are.  However, the real test I would say is life itself!  

However, there are certain attributes that resilient people exhibit.  

What personality traits do you think resilient people exhibit?

Resilient people exhibit mental capacity to be flexible and adapt.  Like bamboo, they bend, but rarely break.  

What else?  Other traits include being a life long learner, having a network of social & emotional supportdoing the things they love, and having a good sense of humor.  The list goes on.

When I was a second lieutenant, way way back when, I remember responding the absurdity of the military with a humorous quip.  The crusty old sergeant who was with me said, "You know lieutenant, you are going to survive.  You have a sense of humor!"    

And he was right.  Humor has always helped me through difficult times, and the 23 -24 years of the military!     It doesn't mean I don't have my battle scars though!

Now as you probably have heard, many people in the military and veterans struggle emotionally and have difficulty in life due to the stressors of military life, deployments, combat and so forth.  In fact, suicide rates in the military are higher than they have ever been.

And sadly, this statistic is true also for civilians.  
As you know, I have taught Religious Studies classes part time at Mesa Community College for many years.  Over the years there,  I have been astounded by just how many students confess to having no religion at all, and or not being brought up with any religion or faith tradition whatsoever. 

This goes for people in the military too.   In all my units of assignment over the years I have served with, the largest religious group in every Wing (unit) is having no religion at all, “No Religious Preference”.  

In our society, religion is a “choice”, and yes choice is a good thing!  However the trend is religion is being embraced by relatively fewer & fewer persons. 

Well, I may be a bit biased here, but is it any wonder why so many people are having trouble with life and resiliency these days?     

They are missing one, and I would say, THE MAIN component of life that gives us strength, courage and hope!

In the college classes I teach, I like to begin the semester with questions to get the students curious, thinking & discussing.   

I preface one question withDid you know there has not been one culture or society in the history of the world, the history of humanity that does not have some form of religion or spiritual practices & beliefs?”  It’s true!  Archeological digs have found traces and evidence of religious artifacts over 30,000 years old!  So religion has always been around, in one form or another!"    

And then I ask them, “But why do you suppose?  Why do we humans have religion?”   

Our scripture reading today in Deuteronomy points to the answer.  After wandering in the desert for "forty years", they arrive on Mt. Nebo.   

Moses is standing before his people on Mt. Nebo, speaking to his people before they head into the promised land. 

Mt. Nebo, by the way is located just east of the Jordan river, in modern day Jordan, and looks over toward the west into what is modern day Israel.  It is very beautiful.   Moses knew he was not going with them, by then he was very old.  Legend says he died and is buried there somewhere on Mt. Nebo.

And so Moses was giving his final sermon to his people, Listen to what I have said today. I have laid it out for you, life and death, good and evil.  Keep the commandments so that you will truly live…” 

He is telling the people why God has taught them all God has taught them. It is so they can live!   Not just exist but truly live!

Most of our daily decisions and choices do not seem to be very important, or about life and death, but life and death really is before us everyday! 

To truly be alive and live is a choice!  As we know, not everyone who is alive is really living.  Some just exist.  Death is a slow process of giving ourselves to what does not matter.  So easy to lose our souls…  Perhaps you have been there...

Why do we have religion?    It is not just to follow laws and commandments just because they are there in the Bible.   

We have religion, faith, to help give us strength.  Life is hard! 
Healing serpent on a pole, Mt. Nebo
Religion and spirituality help us be strong & healthy in body, mind and spirit!  So we can live life joyfully, authentically and passionately!  

Quit doing what is not worth your time!   Laugh often.  Do what you love.   Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.  Play with children.  Open your heart to the Spirit.  Surround yourself with what you love, family, friends, pets, music, nature.   Feel that all life is Holy!  The list goes on...

Keep the fire stoked!
As Moses said, “I have set before you today, life and death, blessings and curses...  choose life!


[Sermon given at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Casa Grande, AZ on Sunday FEB 16th, 2014]

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