Monday, August 11, 2014

Chaplaincy throughout the the years... a military career in pictures...

My two good looking NCOs!  July 2014
Pictures tell a story!  24 years of service! 
Four tours as a Wing Chaplain, three global deployments, many assignments,
incredible ministry...serving incredible people...around all over the "edge of the earth"!

Off to duty!  Phx Sky Harbor, 2014

Deployment SW Asia, 2009, with General Petraeus

Antarctica deployment 2010, ready for going home!

SW Asia Deployment, 2009  "7 Sands Chapel"

On tour with the Chaplain Candidates....2008

Preaching, SW Asia Deployment, 2009  "7 Sands Chapel"

Spiritual Maint.  Luke AFB  2003

My Chaplain Team, 136th Airlift Wing

Women in the Military display, Washington DC

My Chaplain Team, 944th Fighter Wing  2007

Antarctica deployment, 2010!

Receiving a community award, w Col Rydholm, 944th FW

My Chaplain days with the Army!   2001

Setting up our chapel tent for services!  Gila Bend, 2006

Deployment SW Asia, 2009

Antarctica Deployment, 2010, Chapel of the Snows!

Duty at the US Air Force Academy, 1995

At the Washington National Cathedral, the 9-11 Cross

Jammin' Chaplain Section, 129th Rescue Wing, CA 2013

With two of the Tuskegee airmen, 944th Fighter Wing "Red Tails"!  2007

Receiving a medal, Luke AFB 2005

Army days, teaching OCS at Camp SLO, CA 1994

Back when I was a Captain, 2003

Army a 2LT, Camp Roberts, 1992

Getting Commissioned a 2LT, July 1990


Getting promoted to Lt Col, The Coffee House Wine Bar, McMurdo Station, Antarctica!  2010

SW Asia, after a morning run! 

At Ft Bliss, my SGM friend's retirement, 2006

At the Cathedral in Christchurch, NZ  SEP 2010 (before it was destroyed in an earthquake a few months later!)

At McMurdo Station, Antarctica, coffee from home!

At Ft Irwin, our Chapel connex!   2001
At US Army Chaplain School, Ft. Jackson   in 2000

Deployment to Panama, 1993 local people asked "teniente" for a photographie!
Ch Adelia walking on the ocean!  Antarctica, 2010! 
Traveling & teaching the Chaplain Candidates, 2008
Dinner w the chaplain candidates, 2008 Florida

Speaking at Luke AFB  2006

Christmas Party, 2005

Your chaplain team, 7 Sands Chapel, SW Asia 2009

Having fun & "jamming" with the chaplain candidates, summer 2008

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