Sunday, March 8, 2015

Another "Edge" of the Earth - Chaplaincy with the VA Hospital Phoenix

Chaplain Laura at the VA Hospital, Phoenix
About two months ago I started a new job.  I made it through the maze and layers of government bureaucracy and was hired by the VA (Veteran's Administration) hospital here in Phoenix, AZ as a Chaplain.

Yep, the very VA hospital that has been in the news the past year with all the bad press and all. 

I guess the good thing about all that bad stuff was / is that the VA has and is hiring many new people.  And they really need to.  Since 9-11, there are more veterans now than ever.  As well all the vets from past wars; Desert Storm, Vietnam, Korea, and there still are a few WWII vets left.   All this not to mention all the vets who served in between wars.

The VA hospital here in Phoenix is a very large hospital / healthcare facility with many out patient clinics.  There is a Chapel, a cafeteria, (called the Canteen), a Starbucks and a little shop that looks like a small BX.    And naturally, is with most hospitals, there is not enough parking. 

But as far as the parking, I'm not complaining.   Being that my previous employer was a 120 mile round trip each time I went to work, and I made that the long, long drive for about 20 months... 

Now, here in Phoenix, I live fairly close to the VA hospital.  It takes me longer to find a parking space than to drive to the hospital from my home!     Nope, not complaining!

I am in fact, smiling!

So now I am an employee of the federal government.

So what does a VA hospital chaplain do?
Mostly, I visit the patients, and do a lot of walking!

In my short time here, I have visited a 98 year old WWII veteran / patient who was there at the invasion of Normandy!  I visited a female veteran of the Korean war!  Not too many of them around!    I have listened to so many stories as I visit the patients.    I have given "last rites", have prayed with patients, ministered to family members upon the passing of their loved one, have anointed people with holy oil (for healing), administered ashes for Ash Wednesday, talk and visit with the staff and employees.  I have visited people of all faiths; Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, etc.  and "no religious preference". And from all branches of the service; Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force....

The vast majority may have a religion listed, but most do not attend a church, or have not in years. Many have left "the church".

They may not be religious or part of a faith community...but they do have spiritual needs.   And spirituality is a big part of healing and wholeness.

That is where the chaplains come in. (And the nurses, and the social workers, and the doctors....)

But mostly, as a hospital chaplain, it's about being present.  Being there.   And lots of listening.  And from some of the patients, such amazing wisdom!

I saw a quote that said, "the best sermons don't come from pulpits...they come from hospital beds..." 

Hospital chaplaincy is a very different ministry than serving at a parish.  And different than serving as a military chaplain.

It really is ministry on another "edge of the earth". 

And by the grace of God, here am I...

More stories forthcoming...

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