Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"To the ends of the earth..."

My Retirement Certificate
Well, I have finally retired from the military.   Served a total of twenty six + years, including 8 + years of active duty.

Yep, that will do!

It has been a wonderful career.  Been all over the world, have had many assignments, have gotten to do incredible ministry with the people of the Army and USAF, served with some incredible & amazing people, and have gotten to do things and go places I never imagined.  

Even to the ends of the earth!

Has it all been roses?  Of course not.  In many ways it was one battle after another, and I am not talking about my deployments or going to Iraq.  Sexism, the government bureaucracy, mean spirited and vicious people, and being a fish out of water as the military is predominantly very politically conservative.   I am not.    It was at times very tough to be a leader, specifically a female leader (officer), and an innovator in an establishment that is very male dominated, sexist, and slow to change.  It was also very tough at times to be a chaplain, specifically a female clergy person and religious leader in such an establishment. Some tried to block my progress and hold me back.  But I made it to the rank of Lt Col in spite of them!

So proud of my first stripe!
I started out as an E-1 Airman Basic many, many moons ago. I have been enlisted, a line officer, and a chaplain.   My first "gig" in the USAF was in Basic Training, I was in the USAF Drum and Bugle Corps, a snare drummer.  My third or so week in the USAF we were playing for some general flying in and we were the band on the tarmac as the plane pulled up and the red carpet rolled out.  After the event was over, I was carrying my drum back to the bus, and a news guy commented to me, "Heck of a way to make a living!"    I remember saying to him, "If someone had told me that I was going to be doing this three weeks ago I would have thought they were crazy!"

Been in the USAF, the Army Guard, the USAF Reserve and the Air National Guard.   Seen a few different flavors of the military.  And the years went by.

How did I survive it all these years?  By mostly having a sense of humor, and prayer!

Was it all bad?  Of course not.  In many ways I loved it and I hated it.  But there I was.    

Lt Col Chaplain
When I was deployed to the Middle East, to an air base that looked like a prison compound with a runway.  With its high walls & barbed wire all around, metal buildings and tents, the place was not at all aesthetically pleasing.  White sand everywhere, it was over 120 degrees most days & always very bright (sunny).  I had to wear very dark sunglasses and a hat everywhere I went outside.  And one day as I was walking to where I was going in this beautiful place, dark sunglasses on & sweating in the heat...I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be, doing exactly what I was meant to do. 

Life is strange.

Last month I had a retirement ceremony on my last duty day.   I ended my little ceremony by reciting the oath, the same oath I said, and all people say when they join the military.  I thought it a nice way to end my time in the military, just the same way I entered it.  By saying the oath.

And now I say goodbye to the military, this giant "thing" that has so been such a big part of my life for so many years.  On to other things and a new season of life.   

Time to be a civilian and just me!

NOTE:  This blog has now reached its conclusion.  Thank you for letting me tell my story!
Peace and good things!

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