Friday, September 30, 2011

Stealth Chaplain

The chaplain. That mysterious clergy person who works beyond the walls of a church.

The work is out there in the world, in the military, in hospitals, in prisons, in the hospice, police departments, fire departments, the psych wards, schools, colleges, universities, recovery centers, homeless shelters, and far, far away places like Antarctica, war zones, remote and desolate locations and places where most people would not like to go or be.

Holy moments at someone's bedside, in the ICU, in hallways, in a day room.

The last two Sundays I have not been able to attend or lead worship in a church. But that is OK. I led worship services at the VA Hospital's Chapel. Then services to the people in the Psych Ward, and then to the people in the Addictions Recovery unit. It was amazing.

The following Sunday, I gave worship services to people on a military base.

Each place so unique, so different, so wonderful!

Worship and serving people in chapels, class rooms, meeting rooms, outside, in prayer rooms, in tents, in the hangar, on the flight an aircraft...anywhere...

Out there in the world.

These places may not be a big, beautiful Cathedral...but to me they are...

1 comment:

  1. The Psalmist said that "The Earth is the Lord's and everything in it." While you may not be in a church or chapel, the Spirit is with you wherever you are. You are truly doing the Lord's work, and you don't have to worry about your church budget, the board, and all those other "congregational" things!
