Saturday, October 8, 2011

The things we can learn from the places that scare us

OK, I am going to 'fess up, there are places and people that sometimes scare me. These places are sometimes hospital rooms and patients with certain conditions.

What do you say, or what comfort can you bring to someone who will never walk again, or has been flat on his back for 20+ years and will never heal?

Walking into these rooms can be more scarey than being in a plane doing a combat landing in Baghdad!

But the other day, I had a most interesting experience visiting a patient who was confined to a wheelchair. In spite of his condition, he exuded such joy and happiness. He showed me pictures of him going skiing, and participating in other sports even though he can't walk! He beamed with joy as he told me how he had never been into these things before his injury. And now, he has discovered new things, new activities and new friends that bring him joy.

I marveled at him. He was amazing. Here, I can walk, and sometimes I find myself so easily getting bummed out about things. So easy to let myself get in sad state of mind. So easy to be disappointed about something, anxious about something, angry about something, and so on.

But these people, with spinal injuries, brain injuries and so forth, have found a way to LIVE. And I mean really live, not just exist. Not stuck in self pity, or sorrow, or have given up hope.

Oh yes, they grieve their losses greatly and have their rough days. But many find a way to live. Really live.

I did not have to ask him how he did it. He let me see into his world by sharing with me his story. I just listened ...and was amazed.

In each person, a whole universe!

Oh the things we can learn, by daring to go into the places that scare us!

Dare to walk in love and not fear!!

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