Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spirituality, Resurrection and Supernovas...

Supernova photographed by NASA in 1987
On this beautiful Easter Sunday, I am contemplating supernovas and the resurrection.   

I know, you were just thinking about this as you had your morning cup of coffee!

Recently I read a book called The Alchemy of the Heavens; Searching For Meaning in the Milky Way by Ken Croswell. 

I have had a fascination for the stars since I was young.  While gazing at the stars, I felt the aliveness and connectedness of the universe.  This feeling of everything being alive and not separate all these years has never left me.  This has been a major part of my spiritual journey.

The sad thing today is that science and spirituality or religion are seen at odds with each other, two totally different worlds.  To me, this could not be further from the truth! 

Science and spirituality...not so totally different!  Not separate at all!

The Crab Nebula
Take a look at the cycle of life.  

Just like all life here on earth, stars also have a birth, a life, a death and a resurrection, if you will.  

Stars are "born" in giant molecular clouds of dust and gas within nebulas, the very substance of the death of stars, supernovas.  

Large stars upon living their lives of millions or billions of years,  after burning all their fuel eventually collapse and massively explode.

The Crab Nebula, (pictured here), is actually the remnants of a supernova that happened in the year 1054 AD!  

And inside this nebula as in the millions of other nebulas, eventually as dust clouds become more dense, is the creation of new stars.  And the cycle continues.  Death, life, rebirth on a cosmic level!

What's more, and so very amazing, is that many of the elements that make up our sun, our earth, all life on this planet including you and me were all created in stars that once lived, and died.  Upon going supernova and exploding, and a few more billions of years...those elements made by that star that exploded;  oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, iron, are part of us.    The iron in our blood was made from a star that exploded long ago!

Life, death, resurrection.

Death is not the end!

I know for some of you this may be old news, especially if you have a background in the sciences.     Nevertheless, even someone with a PhD in this can still be AMAZED!

No wonder I felt the aliveness of the universe so many years ago!  It is  vibrating with the mystery of life!

Be amazed!

Happy Easter everyone!


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