Sunday, October 24, 2010

Inside Chapel of the Snows - Sunday Services!

During services....
One of the parishners here at Chapel of the Snows snapped some photos of inside the Chapel and during services I thought I would share them with you. 

Every Sunday we hold Protestant Worship services, right after the Catholic mass.   

My first service here was four  Sundays ago, and  I had no lay leaders or musicians.  

Leading worship
I think the work and ministry here is most like being a missionary, or doing a church start.  With the exception, the Chapel building itself was already here!

Being the first Chaplain to arrive for the Antarctic spring - summer season, I had to build the Chapel programs and recruit people to participate from scratch.  (Over the winter here there are no chaplains).

But now we have many people participating in the services, playing music, reading scripture, assisting with Communion, and more.  It is great!  

Usually about 30 people attend the Protestant services now, and about 12 attend the Catholic mass.  The little chapel holds about 50 people max. 

Two musicians arrive early to play!
We now have many musicians and singers, and now we are starting a Choir!  Yay!

Serving Communion

More and more people keep coming to McMurdo almost everyday.  The town is getting packed. And there are still more to arrive!

In the evenings during the week, the Chapel offers Yoga, Meditation services, Adult Education and Spirituality classes, Bahai services, daily Catholic mass, and AA.
Chapel window and altar

It is a beautiful little chapel, has a wonderfully peaceful feel to it.  Many come in alone just to pray or just relax.

This Chapel was built in 1989 by the Navy and is the second one here.  The first chapel here burned down. 



  1. I think you need a Chaplain Assistant! ; )

  2. You have managed to do a lot in a short time and I am thinking it is very rewarding not only for you but for those you serve Nedra
