Thursday, December 30, 2010

In Defense of Religion - Part I

It seems these days religion has gotten a bad reputation.  

This last year I have particularly noticed how much religion seems to be, or has become scapegoated for the world's problems.  Religion no longer has relevance in our modern world.  Religion is thought to be for the weak or simple minded.   Religion is obsolete because now we have science to explain things.    Those involved with religion tend to be overly judgmental.  Religion causes intolerance, prejudice, polarized "us / them" thinking, sexism, obnoxious aggressive proselytizing, acts of violence, even would seem religion has basically caused more harm than good in the world!  

Spirituality is "in", religion, "out". 

Recent polls show religion no longer has the influence it had on the American population.  For many Christian denominations,  attendance and membership has been in decline the past twenty to thirty years.   

It is not difficult to figure out why many hold negative views of religion.   Acts of violence wars, intolerance, sexism, power politics, hypocrisy, killing, even genocide...all in the name of religion or someone's god (or gods).

Yes, it is easy to blame religion for all these negative things.  But what if we just look a little deeper, what will we find?

Unfortunately many of us have met people who have been hurt by religion, or rather, hurt by people who are involved in a certain religion. Some hurt so badly, they find it difficult to even visit a church, (or mosque, or temple, etc.).  It is a shame, because just about every religion teaches love, peace, forgiveness, hope, etc....but how many people live these things?

Some now go beyond dislike and even seem to hate religion.  The intense hatred of religion I have experienced recently by some people is especially shocking to me.  I overheard a most negative, venomous conversation attacking religion and those in the ministry in a restaurant...most of what they were saying was misinformed.  I did not mean to eavesdrop, but I could not help overhear them talking as I was right next to them. 

And a week or so ago I watched a movie, a documentary spoof on religion.  I don't want to give it any publicity, so I won't say the name of the movie...but again, venomous hatred of religion.  Mean spirited and condescending to anyone who was / is religious.  The person who made this movie had an agenda to be sure...

And so these things got me thinking... in defense of religion.  Is religion really all that bad?  What about all the good things people have done because of their religious beliefs and practices?    How easily we forget, or overlook the good!

Interestingly when I research on the Internet on the defense of religion,  I find mostly writings from conservative persuasions, saying how to defend against "militant atheism", or the "liberal media".

Just more polarized, combative thinking.   What if we dared to look deeper and within, instead of projecting...

There is a song that goes, "Let there be peace on earth.... And let it begin with me." 

Yes, what if we....actually....

Let there be peace on earth.... And let it begin with me!

Friday, December 17, 2010 the next edge of the earth!

These past few months (actually past couple of years)  have been incredibly transitional.  Again, it is like being in the bardo...the land of the in between!

A month ago I came home from a deployment to Antarctica...and am still transitioning to "regular" life  (whatever regular life is!).

This past year+  I have been going through the "Anglicanization" process.  A time of transition, learning and growth as I transition to the Episcopal Church.

And just this past week I was ordained a "Transitional Deacon" with the Episcopal Church.   It was a beautiful ceremony at the Cathedral.   

The power of ritual and rites of passage to mark major transitions in life!   And it is powerful!

But sad too, as now I leave the Cathedral...and yet again transition to the next era and place where the Spirit is taking me for the next "edge of the earth"!....

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Quiet Day

Amidst the busyness and never ending list of things to do... today I took a "quiet day". 

What is a quiet day you may ask?

Today I went to a Benedictine monastery and basically hung out for a good portion of the day.    It is a beautiful place...very peaceful.  Roses, trees, acres of grounds, a chapel, beautiful art, statues of the Lady of acre or two of growing vegetables...large wind chimes that occasionally gently made a peaceful sound.

I took no books, no computer, no cell phone....just hung out.  I did not think too hard or try to resolve anything in my head.  I walked around, rested, and prayed by listening.  No words.  I walked the labyrinth and around the grounds, and sat on a swing couch outside and watched the clouds roll by and soaked up the sun.

I listened....just listened....and did nothing but rest in the beauty that surrounded me.

It was great. 

Everyone needs a quiet day now and then.