Monday, December 6, 2010

A Quiet Day

Amidst the busyness and never ending list of things to do... today I took a "quiet day". 

What is a quiet day you may ask?

Today I went to a Benedictine monastery and basically hung out for a good portion of the day.    It is a beautiful place...very peaceful.  Roses, trees, acres of grounds, a chapel, beautiful art, statues of the Lady of acre or two of growing vegetables...large wind chimes that occasionally gently made a peaceful sound.

I took no books, no computer, no cell phone....just hung out.  I did not think too hard or try to resolve anything in my head.  I walked around, rested, and prayed by listening.  No words.  I walked the labyrinth and around the grounds, and sat on a swing couch outside and watched the clouds roll by and soaked up the sun.

I listened....just listened....and did nothing but rest in the beauty that surrounded me.

It was great. 

Everyone needs a quiet day now and then.

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